Subject Lead - Writing (ID 1279)
Miss Laura HumberSubject Lead - Writing
Miss Laura Humber
At Stanley Green we use the unique process 'Talk for Writing'. This process uses spoken activities to develop writing skills. Quality writing is created by first expanding and developing students' oral language skills and then teaching the necessary steps for exceptional sentence, paragraph and text construction.
The Talk for Writing approach enables children to internalise the language of story so that they can imitate it, innovate on it and create their own effective stories independently. It is a fun, creative yet also rigorous approach to develop writers. During this phase the children create actions to accompany the oral re-telling of the story.
Talk is vital at all parts of a young writer's process. Firstly, talking with peers helps children generate ideas for what it is they want to write about. Talk also supports pupils to plan what it is they want to write down. It helps them draft fluently, to revise, and to proof-read with a readership in mind.
Talk for Writing has three key phases which work together to develop knowledge, confidence and independence in Writing.
We use story maps to retell stories and a series of actions to help children to remember the story. We also use our non-fiction writing to recall important facts.
Whole School Talk for Writing Actions
Each year group has an 'always toolkit' of skills that children must always include in their writing. They also have a 'we are learning' toolkit that changes each half term depending on the new skills the children are learning. We then have a 'we have learnt' toolkit that reminds us of all the previous skills we have learnt as we move on to new ones.
Example of toolkit displays you will find in every classroom:
What is Talk for Writing?
Stages of Talk for Writing
Children receive written feedback within every lesson in line with our marking policy with perfect pinks in pink highlighter and growing green corrections in green pen. Please click here to read the policy.
Writing Overview
Please click here to read our Writing Overview
Intent, Implementation, Impact
What Writing looks like at Stanley Green Infant Academy
Progression of Skills