Stanley Green Infant Academy & Starfish Nursery

Starting at our Nursery

Thank you for considering Starfish Nursery for your child, we appreciate that this is a very important decision.

We strongly advise you to book an appointment to look around to see if the Nursery suits your child’s needs. You can then also discuss with the Nursery Leader any concerns you may have about them starting. To book an appointment please call 01202 778181.

IMPORTANT: Starfish Nursery has always been a popular setting and is full on certain sessions. It is always advisable to put your child on the waiting list as soon as possible. Please also note a minimum of 2 sessions a week must be booked.

If you should decide to choose Starfish Nursery as the setting for your child, you will need to complete all the relevant paperwork and pay the £30 registration fee, this will secure your place.  The admission pack is available to download from the Starfish Nursery page on the website or you can collect a pack from the Nursery. When places are available, you will then be notified of ‘settling in sessions’, we normally recommend 2 settling in sessions, normally about an hour or two each time. Your child will also be allocated a Key Worker once they start; they will then be your first point of contact.

Starfish Nursery have their own uniform which is optional, this can be purchased from our supplier via the link under ‘Our Uniform’. Children are welcome to wear their own clothes if you prefer, it is always recommended to wear old clothing. Please always supply your child with a named coat/rain suit and wellie boots for outside activities.

Mid-morning milk and snack are supplied. If your child is attending nursery all day then please supply them with a healthy lunch in their own lunch box/bag, please also supply a drink in a named bottle. Please note we are a NUT FREE school/nursery.

Please supply your child with a spare set of clothes for accidents/mishaps. If your child is still wearing nappies, then please make sure you supply nappies/baby wipes/nappy bags/creams (if required). If you do not supply your own, then a £2.00 charge per session will be charged.


Morning session - 9.00am – 12.00pm

Afternoon session - 12.00pm – 3.00pm

All day session – 9.00am – 3.00pm


Although attending nursery is not compulsory, please do notify us when your child is unable to attend, whether this is due to illness/holiday/medical appointments etc. You can telephone 01202 778181, email or send a message via Tapestry. If you are unable to collect your child and someone else is collecting on your behalf it is important you let the nursery know.