Starfish Nursery
Starfish Nursery opened in September 2017 and quickly became a popular, over-subscribed nursery now offering places for 2, 3 and 4 year old's.
At Starfish Nursery we aim to ensure every child reaches their full potential and develops an enthusiasm for learning through play as they start their journey into Nursery life and school. We offer a rich and rewarding Early Years curriculum, where children can gain as much first-hand experience of learning outside of the room as they can inside. Our committed team of Early Years practitioners nurture and value every child to enable them to feel safe, secure and keen to learn. We are proud of our Starfish Nursery team for the flying start they offer, enabling children to grow in confidence day by day.
If you would like to find out more, please do come and look around – this is the best way to get to know us. You will be assured of a warm welcome.
Kind regards,
Francesca Perry
Starfish Nursery