School Meals
Since September 2014, the Government has provided funding to enable Primary Schools in England to offer a free lunch to every child in their Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes. This is known as the Government’s School Food Plan.
Research has shown that healthy free school meals improve children’s learning and productivity, whilst saving you money in tough times. Our meal provider is Star Cuisine (click here to visit their website)
The Star Cuisine Way – Nutrition is central to a healthy body and mind. This is even more important in young children, whose bodies and minds are constantly learning, growing and changing. At Star Cuisine, we are passionate about providing food that is fresh and gives your children all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals in our tasty appetising dishes! We cater for all dietary requirements and ensure that where possible the dish resembles a standard meal, so ensuring your child does not feel different from his/her peers. Our meals are cooked fresh every day and where possible our ingredients are locally sourced. We use as many fresh ingredients as possible, avoiding frozen vegetables and utilising fresh fruit every day and bread to supplement our meals for those with hungrier appetites.
Hot meals are delivered fresh each day and are cooked in Star Cuisine’s local facilities.
Hot School Meal Menu - Autumn Term
Hot School Meals
Menus are sent out via Parentmail. You have the option to order a MEAT or VEGETARIAN option for your child. Please note that you cannot pick and choose between days, you either have a hot school meal each day or a packed lunch instead. If you opt to have packed lunches and decide to change to hot school meals, you MUST notify the school office who will inform you when the change will take effect. If your child normally has a packed lunch and you do not send your child with a packed lunch on a certain day then a telephone call home for you to bring them a lunch will be made, we do not have spare dinners. If you have SPECIAL DIETARY REQUIREMENTS please notify the school office.Packed Lunches
If your child is having their own packed lunch, please be aware that lunch boxes are kept in class and they must be in a secure container for safety and hygiene. All lunch boxes must be clearly marked with your child’s name and class name. In order to support our Healthy School standards, we encourage you not to send sweets, chocolate or fizzy drinks. In the interest of health and safety for children and staff with nut allergies, please can we also ask you not to include any items containing NUTS as we are a NUT FREE school.
Mid-morning snack
At morning break pupils may have a drink of water or milk (supplied free to under 5’s) and a piece of fruit/vegetable. This is provided free of charge for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Milk can be ordered from Cool Milk and must be paid for termly in advance. Milk is only provided free for children under 5 or children receiving Pupil Premium (if you are registered for Pupil Premium and would like your child to have milk please speak to Mrs Punchard in the school office). Further information can be found on their website
Children are encouraged to bring two named bottles of water with them on a daily basis which they can drink throughout the school day. – NO FIZZY DRINKS
Pupil Premium and Free School Meals
Where a child qualifies for Free School Meals because their Parent/Carer is in receipt of one of the benefits below the school will receive additional funding in the form of the FSM Pupil Premium please click on the link to find out more about Pupil Premium - Pupil Premium or click here to register for Pupil Premium online.
Free school meals are available for children whose parents receive:
• Income Support
• Jobseeker’s Allowance (income-based)
• Employment and Support Allowance (income-based)
• Child Tax Credit based on income below £16,190
• The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
• Asylum Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
• Working Tax Credit ‘run-on’ (this is the payment someone may receive for a further four weeks after they stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit)
Children who receive Income Support or income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance in their own right qualify as well.