Our Uniform
Our school uniform colour is Kingfisher Green
Our logo jumpers, cardigans and coats can only be bought via our online suppliers website - click here Price & Buckland.
See Our uniform and how to order for more details.
Required Uniform Expectation
Black/Grey Trousers/Shorts/Pinafore/Skirts
Green checked Summer Dress (Summer time only)
White Polo Shirt/White collared Shirt/Blouse
Stanley Green Infant Academy Jumper/Cardigan
Plain Socks/Tights
Black/Grey Shoes
All clothing except for the school jumper or cardigan can be bought at any large store/supermarket. Jumpers and cardigans with the school name are only available to purchase online from Price and Buckland on www.price-buckland.co.uk. Price and Buckland also supply our school book bag, PE bags and coats.
We keep a limited supply of pre-loved/second hand school logo jumpers and cardigans for sale. Please ask at the school office.
Black/grey shoes. Trainer shoes should not be worn to school.
No sandals or open toed shoes.
Sports Clothing for PE
For PE lessons your child will need black Plimsolls/Trainers, a white T-shirt and black shorts, a pair of plain black jogging bottoms and plain black zip up top are required during the winter months. PE takes place most days so it is essential that the PE bag containing the PE kit remains at school. It will be sent home every half term for washing. Please clearly name ALL PE kit with your child's name.
We provide aprons for the children to wear during creative activities. We make every effort to prevent accidents and to encourage the children to take care, but please bear in mind that sometimes accidents do happen!
We prefer children not to wear jewellery in school or during PE due to the danger of accidents and health risks. If you wish your child to wear jewellery, please can you complete and sign a disclaimer form, available from the school office. No other valuable items should be brought into school, i.e smart watches.
VERY IMPORTANT - Please label all items of clothing.
Lost Property
Unfortunately, we always have a vast amount of un-named items of clothing/drinks bottles etc. Lost Property is displayed in the playground at the end of each half term. Any unclaimed school logo items are washed and resold as pre-loved uniform, all other items are donated to local charities. If your child is missing an item of named clothing please check with the class teacher or the office staff who will be happy to check the Lost Property storage box. All named items that make their way to the Lost Property box are returned to the child's class.