Stanley Green Infant Academy & Starfish Nursery

Medical Information

Medical Care Plan – If your child has a medical condition then a ‘School Medical Care Plan’ will be issued.

This is kept on record for your child and will provide all relevant information around their condition. Should your child develop a medical condition then please inform the school office so a Care Plan can be compiled.

Medicine – If your child requires medication while at school (NB: we can only administer prescribed medication from the GP that is required to be given 4 times a day – We are unable to give Calpol/Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Piriton etc, unless a School Care Plan is in place). Please complete the form below and send in to school along with the medication (clearly labelled in a plastic bag with a medicine spoon/syringe). Please hand to a member of staff on door duty in the morning. We cannot administer any medication unless the form is received.

 Administration of Medicine Record Form

Asthma / Inhalers – The same applies to inhalers – please complete the form below and send into school with your child’s inhaler, clearly labelled with their name (please supply in a labelled small plastic box for easy storage) – If your child is a regular user of their inhaler we would suggest you ask your GP for a spare that can be left at the school.

 Asthma Inhaler Consent Form

Illness and Infections

If your child has been absent from school please make sure that they are well before returning, especially if the illness is infectious. Please allow a minimum of 48 hours after sickness or diarrhoea before returning your child to school. If your child is unwell whilst they are at school we will contact you and ask you to collect them.  Please make sure that the school office always has your up to date contact number.

Below is some useful information on childhood illnesses and infections:

 Documents will be shown in alphabetical order.



ParentLine 5-19 - Text Messaging Service from the School Nursing Team

The School Nursing Team are delighted to now be able to provide a confidential text messaging service to the Parents and Carers of children and young people aged between 5 and 19.

This text messaging service will be called ParentLine 5-19 and Parents can now gain advice from a member of the School Nursing team via text message for topics such as Development, Healthy eating, Weight management, Behaviour management, Emotional health and wellbeing, Toileting, Sleep and more.

How it will work:

Parent/carer sends a text message to the ParentLine 5-19 number

  •  ParentLine 5-19- 07312 263131 text for advice from a member of the School Nursing team.
  •  An automated reply confirms the message has been received.
  •  A trained healthcare professional from the School Nursing team will respond to the message between 9am and 4pm Monday to Friday (Excluding weekends, bank holidays and School Holidays) within 24 working hours.

Please note that ParentLine 5-19 will initially only be available during School Term times and will be closed during School Holidays and this should not be used as an emergency service - urgent help should be sought from an NHS walk-in centre or call NHS 111, or in an emergency, dial 999 or go to A&E.

Please click here to visit the ParentLine website.