Stanley Green Infant Academy & Starfish Nursery


Click here to watch a short video clip about 'Parental Relations'

Parent & Carer Communication


All communication with the school and parents/carers is sent using Parentmail – Please make sure we always have up to date mobile/email for your Primary contact.

School website 

 Please check our school website for all information/updates, a vast amount of   information can always be found here.

Tapestry - (NURSERY ONLY)       

By logging on with a secure username and password you will be able to access your child’s journal, if appropriate, through 'Tapestry' software. Parents are only able to view their own child’s journal and all information is stored on a highly secure server, which is monitored closely.

Tapestry online learning journeys allow you to view your child’s observations and photographs, if appropriate.  Please note, however, that staff spend most of their time directly facilitating children's learning; only a limited amount of photographs will be uploaded.

Please contact Mrs Punchard (Data Manager) if you are experiencing problems accessing your child’s Tapestry account.

For Tapestry click here


We have a Stanley Green Infant Academy and Starfish Nursery Page and a Parent’s Group on Facebook (this is a closed group), this is used as a way of communication between parents.  We appreciate not all parents/carers use Facebook therefore it is not used as a method of communication between the school and parents. Parentmail will always be our main point of communicating.

Click here to visit our Facebook Page

Should we decide to have a Stanley Green Infant Academy Twitter account, we will inform all parents accordingly.