At Stanley Green, we believe the key purpose of assessment is to move children on in their learning.
Teachers assess children’s progress continually, both formally and informally, and these assessments are used to plan the next steps for children across all subject areas. As a result of this ongoing assessment, children’s class groupings may remain fluid as teachers plan precisely to reach children’s needs. Assessment happens on a daily basis with more formally recorded assessment occurring half termly/termly. This information is used by teachers and the Headteacher to track the progress of each child and is used to set targets for their future development.
Teachers keep records of children’s progress as they move through the school, referred to as Teacher Assessments. The records are used to:
Inform the child’s next step in learning
Inform our annual written reports to parents/carers
Inform teachers when the child moves to a new class or new school
In all years, teachers set group targets based on the children’s prior learning. These targets are tracked by the class teacher and the Senior Leadership Team to ensure that pupils make appropriate progress throughout their school career. Children are encouraged to understand their targets, self-assess or work with a partner to assess their work, so that they become aware of their own strengths and areas for improvement.
Children’s attainment is assessed formally at the end of Year 2 by the teacher. The outcomes are reported to parents/carers with the annual written report. The Foundation Stage Profile is completed during Year R. This is reported termly to parents/carers, verbally for the autumn and spring term, then in the form of a written report in the summer term.
In some year groups, children and teachers’ complete national assessments like the National Foundation Stage Profile and Year 1 Phonics Screen – see below.
Reception/Foundation Stage
A profile is completed when children start Reception based on observations and teacher assessments. This profile is developed over the year in Reception and is known as the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile; it details children’s social and academic achievements. The results of teacher observations will be shared regularly with parents throughout the Foundation Stage. The Foundation Stage Profile is completed during Year R.
Year 1
A national assessment for screening the children’s knowledge of phonics is completed in May/June which are used to identify children’s strengths and areas for development.
Year 2
Standardised Assessment Tests (SATs) are now optional, and we complete these during the Summer term to support our teacher judgements. These teacher assessments are included in the annual report which parents/carers receive in July. These are also reported to the child’s junior school to help their teachers set future targets.
An annual written report is sent to parents/carers at the end of the summer term. The report is a celebration of achievement and future targets. If you would like to discuss your child’s report please make an appointment via the School Office to see your child’s class teacher.